Showing Tag: "accelerated death benefit" (Show all posts)

What are Living Benefits for Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 5, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Living benefits are benefits you can access form your life insurance policy while you are alive.

Usually, the insurer will require that the insured person has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and has a life expectancy of 6 months or less, in order to pay out living benefits to the insured.

Living benefits can help you get money to assist you with your end of life expenses or medical treatment which may prolong your life. You can use the money paid out for living benefits any way you wish....
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Can you collect on a life insurance policy if you have a long term disability before death?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 11, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

You cannot specifically collect on a life insurance policy for a long term disability, but you can collect if you have a terminal illness.

Some life insurance policies provide accelerated death benefits which you can request and receive of you meet the requirements, which usually includes a terminal diagnosis and you are expected to die within 6 to 12 months.

Accelerated death benefits may allow you to access up to 25% or more of the death benefit from your life insurance polic...

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